Email List building Training led by



From Zero Subscribers 
(or Zero Strategy) to an Engaged Email List
that Lasts.

Join my FREE training to uncover the 3 secrets to easily start, grow, and serve your email list. It's time to build an asset that you own and one that gives you a direct line of communication to the people you love serving! 

Join my FREE training to uncover the 3 secrets to easily start, grow, and serve your email list. It's time to build an asset that you own and one that gives you a direct line of communication to the people you love serving! 

From Zero Subscribers 
(or Zero Strategy) to an Engaged Email List that Lasts.

it's free!

Save your seat!

did you know?

The average sales value generated from an email is 3x higher than that of a social media post.

wild, right? well, get this:

The online marketing world agrees that 1 email subscriber = $1/month in revenue. I’ll wait while you do some quick math … 

TL;DR - It’s time to start your email list.
(Ahem—I can help.)

In just one hour of your day, I can show you how to:

PLUS … I’ll pull back the curtain on the metrics that show off email’s superpowers when compared to social media—prepare for some mind-blowing stats!  

Use email marketing to be 10x more effective than posting to Instagram & Facebook … because the truth is: your social media content probs isn’t moving the needle.

Hop-skip over the expense & tech setup holding you back. In fact, my favorite places to get started are ALL super user-friendly … and FREE. 

Send out weekly emails without adding more work to your plate… and actually SAVE time while getting significant results!

Get people to hit that 'sign up' button, and what to say to them (in a non-sleazy way) once they’ve joined to convert them from subscribers to paying clients & customers


It’s time to use the right 


to reach the right


with the right


at the right

and algorithm-proof your sales strategy once and for all.

if you're not sure what to say and when to say it....

My Step-by-Step Email List Quickstart Guide absolutely free. We'll send it to you right after the training!

When you show up, you'll also get:

Sign me up for the training! →

scooch over, social media


From Zero Subscribers (or Zero Strategy) to an Engaged Email List that Lasts.

I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).

I’m a top-ranked business podcaster on Apple Podcasts and a girl who took a $300 Craigslist camera and turned it into a 7-figure empire. My obsession is teaching others how to make a living doing what they love (without it taking over their life).

Hi! I'm



Loyal, happy, obsessed followers turned clients, who happily invest in your business?

An audience that is anxiously awaiting every post, every announcement, and every offering?

Sales driven through authentic, intentional posts that take the scammy salesman pitch and turn it on its head.

Creating a voice so recognizable, people will be able to spot your words and work from a mile away.

Can you imagine...


Are you ready?

as seen in:

This is for you if … 

You’re always looking for ways to increase your sales without having to jump through hoops like buying expensive ads, running discounts, or doing more networking. 

You enjoy connecting with your ideal clients by posting your work & sharing content—but it feels like Instagram & Facebook sometimes conspire against you. 

You’re a service provider who needs a way to stay top of mind with your prospective clients.

The simple truth is this: 72% of people prefer to receive promotional content through email (as opposed to the 17% who prefer social media). Yeah—people want your emails, you just have to find the right people.    

You want to get the MOST bang for your buck when you dedicate time & energy to a task.


I can show you how.

Less than 6% of your followers actually see your posts


3.57% of people click links in emails compared to .07% on Facebook.

Email marketing has acquired 40x more customers than Facebook and Twitter combined.

A message is 5x more likely to be seen in email than via Facebook.

66% of consumers have purchased something directly from email marketing.

 (or Zero Strategy) to an Engaged Email List that Lasts

My 3 Secrets to go from ZERO subscribers

get ready to unlock

Because of course I love the ‘Gram—but if that’s the only place you’re selling, we’ve got a problem.

One day, I sat across from a coach I thought would tell me I was doing “such a great job” building my business—when he asked me this:

a note from jenna

The truth? It was zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. I was all about the followers & had zero clue about subscribers—or why I needed them. What I learned that day changed the course of my business.  

Because that’s the thing: you don’t know until you know.

I thought I was doing great—I really did. Then I started putting an emphasis on email and … whoa. 

Every time I doubled—or tripled—my email list subscribers, my revenue would do the same. 

It was nuts. 

What’s the size of your email list?

The opportunity to communicate with your ideal people—with a tailored, strategic message—is something no business owner should take for granted …

… and it’s simply not possible on any public platform.
^^^ That’s why I’m giving this training. 

Because when you learn what email can do for your business—differently & even better than social media—you’re gonna get results.  

And hey—I’m not saying bail on social media. Don’t—I’m not! 

But if you don’t have an email list … well, let’s fix that.


Need more deets?

Word to the wise: The internet is always changing. And one of my passions is staying on top of those waves of change, like a pro-marketing-surfer. 

My programs, classes, trainings, and even my free resources might change as I learn how to shift in the ways I show up, serve, and deliver a fantastic experience for you! That means that what is here, ready, and FREE for you today may not be tomorrow, ya feel me?

So, hit that sign up button while the free is still free.

The training is 1 hour long!

Basically the same amount of time that it takes you to create that Instagram reel. Kick back in full-student mode for a ONE hour video training with me, your professor ;)

I'll do a Q+A afterwards!

After our class, we'll be doing a Q+A, so stick around so we can address your top of mind questions and tackle your biggest email list building objections!

Dogs + kids are welcome.

Oh, and comfy pants, too! You’re tuning into this training in the comfort of your own home, so hey, why not focus on learning without the distraction of a waistband?

I gotcha covered! 




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